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nanamica 2020春夏系列型錄
日本機能品牌 nanamica 剛發布2020春夏系列型錄 。nanamica 以「Roots」作為主題,意指回歸品牌的根源-海洋,予人一股自由、與世無爭之感。型錄拍攝場景選在遼闊無邊際的沙灘,讓服裝低調的配色、俐落剪裁完美展露。 單品色系呼應主題,以海洋的藍與白、大地色系的卡其為主。為了讓人們在季節轉換時更得心應手,nanamica 2020 SS 注入了機能面料如吸濕排汗效果良好的 COOLMAX®、ALPHADRY 與防風又防水的 GORE-TEX 等,巧妙地讓日常衣著和機能素材找到平衡,融入現代人的生活。 SOURCE
「Anorak Addict」by United Athle 型錄
日本品牌United Athle 一月號型錄發佈,利用Anorak半開襟式套頭外套,利用西裝,帽子等配件搭配出四套截然不同不同的風格。 SOURCE
Back With Super Industrial, Terminator-Like Shoe In Second Collaboration
10 years after their first collaboration, Raf Simons and British Shoemaker Dr. Martens are back with their latest and second collaboration with a classic 1461 derby that’s given asymmetrical rework, exposing the right shoe’s steel toe cap. The shoe was first spotted at Simons’ Paris Fashion Week Fall/Winter 2019 runway presentation—his first show since leaving Calvin Klein. Their first collaboration dates back all the way to 2009, where Dr. Martens hooked up with Simmons and had him give its collection of three-eye shoes his distinctive touch. This time around, the collaboration looks like the Belgian designer’s low-key Midas touch tries...